Hello there,

I spoke with Rémi Forax at Devoxx justa  few days ago regarding a message
sent to the Openjdk dev list related to Groovy/Gradle/ASM. Long story short
the toolchain is not updated because Groovy does not publish a release with
the latest ASM, which makes really hard to build projects with latest
OpenJDK early access builds because Gradle croaks.

A couple of ideas:
- push a Groovy release where the only change is an upgrade to latest ASM
release. In this way the Gradle team can test if any regressions occur
_only_ by ASM and not because we added something extra.
- stop shading ASM and use it as a regular dependency. Apparently we used
to shade ASM for valid reasons in the past, but now that we publish Groovy
as a BOM we may rely on regular dependencies.

I'm aware that any of these two changes do not constitute a change one
usually push during an RC cycle.


Java Champion; Groovy Enthusiast
What goes up, must come down. Ask any system administrator.
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and
those who don't.
To understand recursion, we must first understand recursion.

On Mon, Nov 11, 2019 at 7:22 AM Paul King <pa...@asert.com.au> wrote:

> We plan to do a RC-2 release shortly (possibly next week) and it's
> probably also time for releases on other branches. The 2.5 branch has
> numerous fixes. The 2.4 branch is nominally unsupported but we have been
> asked to do another release to get some key fixes onto that branch. And an
> alpha of 4.0 is also on the cards.
> Please let us know if there are specific fixes you want for any of those
> releases.
> Cheers, Paul.

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