Several things to know:
- you can rewrite all access to a field marked @Lazy to use a constant dynamic,
  that part can already be implemented. If you want to keep the compatibility
  with Java 8, it means that you have to have two translations one for Java 11+
  and one for Java 10-.
- if you want the bytecode getstatic to access the field, here you need the VM
  to be changed, it's in the roadmap for the VM but not yet implemented
- you don't care about getstatic because you can simulate it with an indy*
  (which means that even with @CompileStatic you will use indy)
  in that case you can implement it but it means that all codes that use
  a combination of @Lazy + @CompileStatic has to be recompiled.


* there is actually no support of ldc constantdynamic in java.lang.invoke.

----- Mail original -----
> De: "sunlan" <>
> À: "dev" <>
> Envoyé: Dimanche 12 Janvier 2020 13:34:22
> Objet: About native support for lazy constants

> Hi all,
>      I read an article[1] about the new features of Java 11 just now, and
> find "JEP 309: Dynamic Class-File Constants"[2] can help us implement lazy
> constants elegantly, e.g. `@Lazy static final Object SOME_LAZY_CONST =
> <heavy lifts>`. The feature is very useful, so I propose to add *native*
> support for lazy constants in some future version of Groovy.
>      Any thoughts?
> Cheers,
> Daniel.Sun
> [1]
> [2]
> -----
> Apache Groovy committer & PMC member
> Blog:
> Twitter: @daniel_sun
> --
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