Hello everyone

My DSL that uses AST transformations has this quirk
* A Groovy script defines classes and uses other classes from the class path
* I want to be able to replace all these types during compile with my own 
standard class definition
* If I have the types I am replacing in the class path, everything works. If I 
do not have them in the class path, then the resolvevisitor fails trying to 
locate these classes. This is as expected. In my case though, I have no use for 
these classes after the compile, I replace all of these classes with a standard 
class definition and route all data and method access through this standard 
class definition

My question is this
* How can I create a place holder definition for these external classes so 
things will load fine, giving me a chance to replace them with the standard 
definition and cleanly tie up loose ends through an AST transformation? I am 
looking for a mechanism similar to the type checking extensions, essentially a 
type specifying extension that works in the semantic analysis stage

What I have tried so far
* I use a custom parent class loader that will return this standard definition 
for any classes not found in the parent. But this did not work because the 
class loading attempts to search through all standard package paths and I end 
up seeing inner lookups, nested lookups and outer lookups all of which should 

Any help on how to proceed is super appreciated

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