On 21.11.20 20:29, Milles, Eric (TR Technology) wrote:
I was thinking of something like this so as not to overload the try keyword:

class Foo {

   def bar() {

     push (field1 = value, field2) { // AST would be re-written to
try/finally like Scenario 1/2






how about

class Foo {

  def withState(tryState, code) {
    def finalState = state
    try {
      state = tryState
    } finally {
      state = finalState
  def bar(){
    withState(value) {

could be a mixin... but if your requirement is to avoid the creation of
additional objects, then this will not work, as the Closure will be
created new every time. And then a macro would be indeed better.

bye jochen

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