There is so much to unpack here.  I'll likely miss key points here, but wanted 
to add a couple.

If your goal is to add some ability directly to Java, then a library or an 
annotation processor like Vavr or Lombok respectively may be a better approach. 
 These integrate directly into Java projects and into Java source files, so no 
intimidating file extension change.

As stated by MG or OC, if you need to write in a new dialect, I'm assuming 
you'll need to have a different file extension like "*.jp" or "*.javap" in 
which case, I don't see how you overcome the "it's not .java" 
perception/problem.  IDEs would be expected to provide sensing within your 
source file and I don't think they would be doing so through the transpiled 

As MG or OC stated, IDEs do actually perform a lot of static analysis (without 
@TypeChecked or @CompileStatic – the native Groovy type-checker) to show you 
what the elements of a source text mean and provide navigation, refactoring, 
etc.  So yes, there are circumstances where a dev gets creative and the IDE 
loses track or has no trail to follow.  But by and large, you can tell a lot 
about a Groovy source file to assist the reader or writer.

Groovy may not be java source and it may be compiled, but it does compile to 
JVM bytecode.  So all the years of tooling built to analyze class files can 
still be brought to bear.  And if a particular groovy construct makes bytecode 
that you feel could be better represented, it can be changed.  The static 
compiler has brought groovy bytecode closer and closer to java bytecode for 
common scenarios.

From my perspective, Groovy was a great option over Scala, Kotlin, Gosu and 
others.  We could add the compiler to our toolchain and our development 
environment.  Then we could move just 1 Java source file over to Groovy, in 
place.  And we could make no or minimal changes to that file.  So the 
transition could be done in very, very small steps.  And our projects still 
retain Java sources to this day.  The intent was not to convert to Groovy 100%. 
 IIRC, Groovy was the only option to allow living in the same source tree with 
bi-directional dependency.

As Paul mentioned, your number one problem IMO is uptake/marketing/maintenance. 
 There are tons of projects like these out there.  I wasn't aware of Jactl or 
Manifold until this email chain.  But Beanshell, Painless and Gosu are some 
more.  Getting the word out and keeping interest up is a very difficult, 
non-technical problem.

If there is a specific area of Groovy that seems like it is/was intimidating, 
lacking documentation, or performed with bugs or something, I would encourage 
you to file an issue ticket and we can try to fix the bug or doc or the feature 
itself.  There is always lots to do to smooth out the rough edges.  Groovy has 
lots of them and to your subset comment, has a lot of bits added that cannot be 
removed but could be safely ignored.

From: Caleb Brandt <>
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2024 3:38 PM
To: <>
Subject: [EXT] Re: [GSoC 2024] Idea: A Basic Superset of Java | Java+

External Email: Use caution with links and attachments.

Oh, and the reason it adds so few features is (well one to be in scope for a 
summer programming gig, but two:) so that it's not overwhelming to people.  
Again: a small handful of features that help a bit, but don't completely 
outshine Java's own features, and don't require constantly checking docs for 
new stuff you can do.

On that note, it's possible that once we have a preprocessor framework 
developed, we could expand on its functionality with plugins (with their own 
separate documentations to avoid overwhelming people) to expand on its features.

But uh, the biggest thing is that I want to spend my summer working on a 
passion project with some really knowledgeable people and get real-world 
experience in open-source software development.  So like, if this even somewhat 
sounds like a good idea... would anyone be willing to mentor me? 🥺

On Mon, Mar 25, 2024 at 4:22 PM Caleb Brandt 
<<>> wrote:
IDEs will still interpret stuff incorrectly at times.*

On Mon, Mar 25, 2024 at 4:17 PM Caleb Brandt 
<<>> wrote:
Thank you all so much for your insight!  And I'm not being facetious here; you 
guys keep blasting away the points that don't hold water, so I think I've 
finally nailed down why I feel this project is so necessary.

Because you're absolutely right: Groovy already does do much of what I want.  
In terms of contributing new functionality to the ecosystem, my project isn't 
necessary in the slightest.  My argument is entirely borne out of ignorance to 
what Groovy can do.

But to be honest... that's kind of the point.  It's absolutely IGNORANT, and 
that's absolutely WRONG, but even still, it is.

See, I've been programming in Java for around seven years at this point.  I'm 
very immersed in the Minecraft dev space, and I've worked with others on 
non-Minecraft things as well, like working on toolchains and libraries, 
contributing to a handful of personal projects, etc.  And as a member of those 
spaces, the "vibe" that I've gotten is this: "the non-Java JVM languages are 

See, Groovy has exactly two things going against it for reaching the most 
people: it's a language, and it's compiled.  Now that might sound odd to 
criticize, but bear with me.

 1. As another language, it is inherently intimidating to people who aren't 
familiar with it.

People are closed-minded, and like to stick to what they know. I know when I 
see "Foo.groovy" on Github, I immediately go "oh god", though it absolutely 
isn't warranted!  Fact is, people who use Java and know their way around it 
like the back of their hand don't want to go relearn how to speak in code just 
to do the same thing a tiny bit easier.

Their instinct is to go:
"I've never used Groovy, and I never intend to, because I'm fine with Java.  I 
can do everything I need to with Java.  Why do people have to be weird and use 
something that isn't Java when writing a Java program?  I don't want to have to 
learn a new language just to sift through this."

It doesn't really matter if it's identical to Java in most places, the very 
name not being "Java" is enough to spook people who aren't familiar with it.  
Sure, once you get to know it, you realize there was never any reason to be 
intimidated, but that's a leap too far for most people when they could just... 
not use it, without any consequence.

Even as someone who tries to be more open-minded than most people, I still find 
myself having that instinct.  Even though I know my fear of Groovy was 
unwarranted, it doesn't change the fact that it took this conversation to 
change my mind about it.  Very few people are going to have this conversation; 
most are just going to say "oh, that's neat, I guess" and leave it.

And also:

2. As a compiled language, any analysis tools need to be specifically written 
for Groovy, and they just can't match the ones for Java.

And that's no fault of Groovy's!  See, even if we got the brightest minds in 
the world together to make a static analyzer, debugger, and suite of tools for 
Groovy, Java still has twenty years on us.  It's just a fact: without massive 
resources, we can't match the tools made for Java.  Debuggers will fail inside 
Closures, static analyzers will infer the wrong types and throw false errors, 
and IDEs

Even if we could theoretically do all of that better than Java, we'll 
inevitably still be working in a Java-based ecosystem.  Any tools made are 
implemented in a Java IDE: analyzers are slower, intellisense loses track of 
where things are defined, postfix completions have to be redefined, templates 
stop working; every single thing has to be retooled for Groovy.  And that 
includes community-made plugins too!

It's unfortunate, but it's a fact: any non-Java JVM language will - by virtue 
of not being Java - be slightly more clunky than Java in a Java-based ecosystem.

But they're still worth it, right?

Of course they are!  But that doesn't matter if no one uses them.

See, you can tell when it fails where Java wouldn't.  You notice when it takes 
slightly longer for errors to pop up, when types get inferred incorrectly, when 
intellisense can't find your class and you have to manually go and search for 
the reference to import.  It's annoying to have to take over for something that 
worked seamlessly before.

Again, it's no fault of the language, it's just the fact that our tools are 
inevitably going to be slightly less refined than ones made by a company doing 
it for profit.

But when you're already feeling the malaise from being immersed in a 
somewhat-new language and you notice that the things you've taken for granted 
are suddenly failing, what impression do you get about the language?  In my 
experience: that it's a novelty, one that's slightly worse in your experience 
than the one you're used to.

That's what I'm trying to solve here.  It's not a matter of features, it's a 
matter of accessibility and making sure people don't feel disinclined to 
continue past their first glance at it.

So how do you do that?  How do you get people to take that leap - to continue 
past that cliff that stops people from continuing past their first impression?

It's simple: don't let there be any leap at all.

1. Forget the "language" part.  Show your features for what they are: tiny 
addons for the language they already know.

There are a few parts to making it as approachable as possible:

1. The NAME:

There's a reason I didn't call it "Latte", "Javaccino", or "Mocha" instead of 
"Java Plus".  To be honest, even THAT might be too much; everything about it 
needs to emphasize that it is NOT a new language.

I'd describe it as "A few tiny (eensy-weensy teeny-weeny) snippets to save you 
time writing things you constantly use", and specifically accentuate the small 
part.  It needs to feel like something you can just "click on" without any 
commitment on your part.

People need to be able to plug it into their preexisting project without any 
action on their part besides pasting in the plugin.  Not even any file 
extension changes.  If it looks like it isn't Java from far away, people will 
feel like it isn't Java.

We can do this fairly easily: take all of the Java files, scan them for our 
constructs, generate new source files with their transpiled counterparts, and 
give the new files to javac.  We actually do a very similar thing in 
MinecraftForge already: source files are copied to the `out` directory, where 
tokens are replaced and deobfuscated method calls are mapped to their 
obfuscated counterparts before the new sources are passed on to the `compile` 

The only problem with this approach is that you end up having two identical 
sets of source files: one in the src directory, and one in the out directory.  
However, this actually turns from a bug into a feature because of the third 

It's Java allllll the way down.  If you want to stop using it, awesome!  
Everything gets converted to plain ol' Java, so every single one of the vanilla 
Java files are RIGHT THERE for you to use outside of this project.  This is 
also why TypeScript is so approachable: you can add or remove it at any time 
without any impact to your project.  There's no commitment to using the plugin 
in everything; you're still a Java developer like everyone else, you just have 
some new things in your toolbelt that Oracle didn't add.

Speaking of:

Everything that's added needs to "feel like Java".  Again, it's a psychological 
thing: people will feel some malaise if they're using something that doesn't 
look like something they're used to, so it all has to be an intuitive analogue 
to something that already exists in Java.

We all know what a getter and a setter is, so condensing them into one place is 
easy to understand.  But what's a "closure"? What's a "delegate"? What's a 
"virtual thread"??? (I'm kidding.)  People don't have a basis for these things 
in Java, so it's just more stuff to learn instead of already making sense to a 
Java-only programmer.

I actually removed the idea of the `pojo` keyword from this proposal for this 
very reason: while it's clever shorthand for something that people do a lot, it 
hides too much from the writer.  Where are the getters? Where are the setters? 
Do we access them by field or by method? How do we do internal member 
referencing?  Can we extend classes?   It's just too much hidden behind a 
single keyword, so it's not a good fit for this project, instead being 
partially covered by the declaration get/setters.  Every addition needs to scan 
like Java at face value and feel like something Oracle themselves would have 

And on the backend:

2. Instead of COMPILING, we transpile it to Java source code

Unlike with JVM bytecode, this one would transpile to Java 8 source code, 
letting a few things happen that completely change the game:

Yeah so remember what I said about how "nothing will ever match Java in a Java 
space"?  If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.  By acting as a transparent frontend 
to real Java source code, we can leverage existing Java analyzers to do our 
linting for us.  The IntelliJ system already has a variant of this for CLion's 
macro processing, being able to detect errors in the applied macro and display 
the code it'll be replaced with in a hover popup.

We can also use Java debuggers to their fullest extent too: it'll link to the 
processed Java8 sources when we freeze on a breakpoint instead of the J+ 
sources, but once again that's a feature, not a bug.  With a good enough 
formatter on the processor, they'll even thank us for it.

We don't return anything, only being syntactic sugar instead of library sugar, 
so type-checking is a non-issue as well.  (I wanted to add the ability to 
return from an outer function from inside an Optional, so I wouldn't have to do 
the "Optional Dance" whenever I wanted to get or return if null, but that would 
break the rules I highlighted above so it was a no-go.)

No Java syntax rules are broken either - nothing new goes outside a method, for 
starters - so any community-made Java source plugins will work exactly the same 
on the unprocessed source as they would on the vanilla source.

2. W E  C A N  U S E  J A V A ' S  T O O L S
Again, you don't realize how huge this is.  There's no overhead.  There's no 
stuttering.  No incorrect typing, no invalid templates, no broken plugins; it 
works exactly like normal Java, just with additional features.  People won't 
have any excuse not to use it.  It's purely helpful without breaking people's 
workflows in the slightest. ( for some additional gradle configuration 
to point any other plugins to the processed sources, but just sneezing on the 
project does the same thing, so it's an acceptable loss imo)

3. It's great marketing for Groovy

Like I said before, people don't like to stray too far from what they know.  
They know Java, so they stick with Java.  Oh, but now they know Java Plus too!  
But... by its very design, Java Plus can only do half of the things that Groovy 
can.  So, if they want even more features, we tell them to go try Groovy!  
"It's just like this, but more!!!"

So, do you get what I'm going for now?  In the end, it won't end up all that 
different from Groovy in function, but that's not the point.  The point is to 
be something that doesn't exist yet: an approachable set of useful features for 
people who otherwise would look at a whole other "language" and run away.

As for marketing: I'm friends with some of the biggest Minecraft developers in 
the space; if something's going to be used by new Java developers, it'll be 
recommended by them.  I can even get it packaged into the major modding 
frameworks for the game if it's intuitive enough, and from there it'll spread 
by word-of-mouth as long as there's no learning curve at all.  It will improve 
readability, make you have to keep fewer things in your head while writing, and 
sort through your code easier; there will be no reason not to use it, which is 
exactly what I have in mind.  Hell, if the features prove stable enough, we 
could even pitch them to Oracle for inclusion in the language proper.

It'll be a great stress-test for some sorely-needed features in Java.  Plus, 
it'll let me keep track of where my getters and setters are without having to 
open the Structure tab every five minutes.  Win-win.

So, have I sold you on it yet?



On Mon, Mar 25, 2024 at 11:35 AM OCsite <<>> wrote:

On 24. 3. 2024, at 16:57, Caleb Brandt 
<<>> wrote:
I know you made Groovy, but if you're anything like me, you love Java.

just for one, although I haven't co-operated on the Groovy creation (am just a 
very satisfied user), I hate Java very bitterly.

The language design is simply terrible, all the worse since the people who made 
that abomination, i.e., Sun, knew Objective C well (they used to cooperate with 
NeXT on OpenStep) and thus knew how to do an object-oriented language right.

Instead they botched it terribly. No real polymorphism. Very limited 
encapsulation. Type-system which effectively prevents (or at the very least 
makes highly complicated and expensive) all the best and most important 
object-oriented patterns like e.g., proxying and message forwarding. Classes 
are not objects and their „methods“ do not support inheritance properly. It is 
quite normal to access instance variables directly, instead of consistent usage 
of accessors. Heaps and heaps of boilerplate. Often, the darned thing 
limitations just force the IDEs to generate code — compare e.g., WOLips. Could 
rant on for months like this :(

Whilst languages like e.g., Kotlin or Scala fix some of the problems all right, 
they, alas, do not allow to switch a big project from the Java disaster without 
re-writing it at once and completely, which is a big show-stopper.

The vast advantage of Groovy is that you can take a big project, just rename 
all *.java to *.groovy, and it will essentially work (well, as someone already 
wrote, 99 % — my experience is rather 99.99 %, but indeed there are things 
which need fixing and there are a couple of gotchas, but there's really a very 
very small number of them). Then you can work on with the project and gradually 
change the stupid Java patterns to the pretty decent Groovy ones, part by part, 
method by method and if need be, practically line by line, without losing any 
functionality during the process. No other language I know of allows anything 
like this.

All the best,

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