Yeah, can’t use the wget trick with ssh.  What about from within the container? 
 Did you try that?  It was hard to tell from your reply.

On 4/5/18, 11:26 AM, "Tezarin" <> wrote:

     And here is the output for the CentOS machine:
    wget -O - https://<centos_fqdn>:22                         --2018-04-05 
16:22:57--  https://<centos_fqdn>:22/Resolving <centos_fqdn> (<centos_fqdn>)... 
<IP>Connecting to <centos_fqdn> (<centos_fqdn>)|<IP>|:22... connected.GnuTLS: 
An unexpected TLS packet was received.Unable to establish SSL connection.
    Thank you
        On Thursday, April 5, 2018, 12:17:16 PM EDT, Tezarin 
<> wrote:  
      Thanks much for your reply, here are the outputs:
    Thanks in advance
    From inside the dockerhost:
    $wget -O - https://<windows_fqdn>:3389
    --2018-04-05 16:01:03--  http://xn--o-5gn/Resolving –o (xn--o-5gn)... 
failed: Name or service not known.wget: unable to resolve host address 
‘xn--o-5gn’--2018-04-05 16:01:03--  http://xn--o-5gn/Resolving –o 
(xn--o-5gn)... failed: Name or service not known.wget: unable to resolve host 
address ‘xn--o-5gn’--2018-04-05 16:01:03--  http://xn--7ug/Resolving – 
(xn--7ug)... failed: Name or service not known.wget: unable to resolve host 
address ‘xn--7ug’--2018-04-05 16:01:08--  http://xn--7ug/Resolving – 
(xn--7ug)... failed: Name or service not known.wget: unable to resolve host 
address ‘xn--7ug’--2018-04-05 16:01:08--  https://<windows_fqdn>:3389/Resolving 
<windows_fqdn> (<windows_fqdn>)... <IP>Connecting to <windows_fqdn> 
(<windows_fqdn>)|<IP>|:3389... connected. ERROR: cannot verify <windows_fqdn>'s 
certificate, issued by ‘/CN=<windows_fqdn>’:  Unable to locally verify the 
issuer's authority.To connect to <windows_fqdn> insecurely, use 
    $wget -O - https://<windows_fqdn>:3389 --no-check-certificate
    --2018-04-05 16:04:49--  (try:12)  https://<windows_fqdn>:3389/Connecting 
to <windows_fqdn> (<windows_fqdn>)|<IP>|:3389... connected.WARNING: cannot 
verify <windows_fqdn>'s certificate, issued by ‘/CN=<windows_fqdn>’:  Unable to 
locally verify the issuer's authority.HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 
No data received.Retrying.
    ---------------From inside the Guacamole docker congtainer:
    $wget -O - https://<windows_fqdn>:3389--2018-04-05 16:09:20--  
https://<windows_fqdn>:3389/Resolving <windows_fqdn> (<windows_fqdn>)... 
<IP>Connecting to <windows_fqdn> (<windows_fqdn>)|<IP>|:3389... 
connected.ERROR: The certificate of '<windows_fqdn>' is not trusted.ERROR: The 
certificate of '<windows_fqdn>' hasn't got a known issuer.
    $wget -O - https://<windows_fqdn>:3389 --no-check-certificate--2018-04-05 
16:12:08--  (try: 4)  https://<windows_fqdn>:3389/Connecting to <windows_fqdn> 
(<windows_fqdn>)|<IP>|:3389... connected.WARNING: The certificate of 
'<windows_fqdn>' is not trusted.WARNING: The certificate of '<windows_fqdn>' 
hasn't got a known issuer.HTTP request sent, awaiting response... No data 
        On Thursday, April 5, 2018, 11:53:22 AM EDT, Kris Keller 
<> wrote:  
    Does the “dockerhost (x.x.2.x)” have ssh and rdp access to the two targets 
you wish to connect to?
    On the dockerhost can you issue wget –O – https://<windows_fqdn>:3389 ??? 
if you have connectivity you should see a certificate error where the CN= the 
hostname you are trying to connect to.  If you can’t then you need to fix your 
network routing.
    If you can then can you attach to the guacd docker container and run the 
same command?  (you may have to temporarily install wget inside the container)
    sudo docker exec –it <container name/id> /bin/bash
    root@lkjljjl> wget –O – https://<windows_fqdn>:3389
    that is where I would start.  If you prefer other tools over wget, that is 
fine too.  The point being to test that you have network connectivity between 
the host/container and the target.  Use whatever tool you are comfortable with.
    On 4/5/18, 10:32 AM, "Tezarin" <> wrote:
        I sent my complete setup, can someone who has Guacamole working inside 
the Docker container please reply to my email?
            On Wednesday, April 4, 2018, 9:29:42 AM EDT, Tezarin 
<> wrote:  
        Thank you for your reply. I thought the user-mapping should exist and 
now I understand it doesn't have to, since you installation doesn't have it. 
        Here's my scurrent setup: 
        1) I have a VM called dockerhost (x.x.2.x) which has docker installed 
on it. 
        2) I can access this VM only through our proxy server.
        3) To access the Guacamole GUI, I'll have to setup SSH tunnel and 
forward the port 8080 
        My local machine's ssh config file for this VM:
        Host dockerhost        HostName          ProxyCommand ssh 
user@proxy-server -W %h:%p        LocalForward 8080
        I will go to and access the GUI. So far so good. I have 
setup my connections and created a user.
        But when I try to connet to my two remote hosts (one CentOS and one 
Windows and on another network VPC) it doesn't connect and I can't seem to 
figure out why.
        My CentOS connection settings:
        Name: CentOSLocation: ROOTProtocol: SSH
        NetworkHostname: x.x.88.1Port: 22
        And left the rest of the fields blank.
        My Windows connection settings:
        Name: WindowsLocation: ROOTProtocol: RDP
        NetworkHostname: x.x.88.2Port: 3389Security mode: NLA (I've tried the 
rest of the options but no luck with those either)Ignore server certificate: 
        And left the rest of the fields blank.
        There are three docker containers running, some of the logs for each 
container are as follows.
        Docker logs after I attempt to connect to the CentOS machine:
        guacd[1164]: INFO: User "@8805fb92-7f67-4e6c-974c-92e79953c80f" joined 
connection "$ba540c22-e6ce-48e3-8256-f160e7c820ea" (1 users now 
present)guacd[1164]: ERROR: SSH handshake failed.
        Docker logs after I attempt to connect to the Windows machine:
        guacd[1180]: INFO: Security mode: NLAguacd[1180]: INFO: Resize method: 
noneguacd[1180]: INFO: User "@46dbaefd-978e-4a6b-8c0e-4a6b4060288a" joined 
connection "$079de6dc-145b-4a3d-adcf-8222a718cbf2" (1 users now 
present)guacd[1180]: INFO: Loading keymap "base"guacd[1180]: INFO: Loading 
keymap "en-us-qwerty"guacd[1180]: INFO: Authentication requested but username 
or password not givenguacd[1180]: ERROR: Error connecting to RDP 
serverguacd[1180]: INFO: User "@46dbaefd-978e-4a6b-8c0e-4a6b4060288a" 
disconnected (0 users remain)guacd[1180]: INFO: Last user of connection 
"$079de6dc-145b-4a3d-adcf-8222a718cbf2" disconnectedconnected to 
x.x.88.2:3389SSL_read: Failure in SSL library (protocol error?)Authentication 
failure, check credentials.If credentials are valid, the NTLMSSP implementation 
may be to blame.guacd[1]: INFO: Connection 
"$079de6dc-145b-4a3d-adcf-8222a718cbf2" removed.
        Could you please help me figure out what the issue is?
        Thanks in advance
            On Wednesday, April 4, 2018, 3:03:10 AM EDT, Mike Jumper 
<> wrote:  
        On Tue, Apr 3, 2018 at 12:24 PM, Tezarin <> 
        > Hi all,
        > I am new to Guacamole and decided to set that up inside Docker. I 
        > a couple of instructions, i.e. https://guacamole.apache.
        > org/doc/gug/guacamole-docker.html
        > And
        > a-docker-container-on-ubuntu-16-04-lts-16-10/
        > And now have three docker container: guacamole, guacd and mysql.
        I was able to locate the file but there is no
        > user-mapping.xml file.
        Why are you trying to use user-mapping.xml?
        > This is my
        >  cat /root/.guacamole/ -
        > generated Mon Apr  2 17:27:20 UTC 2018guacd-hostname:
        > 4822
        > #user-mapping: /etc/.guacamole/user-mapping.xmlmysql-hostname:
        > 3306mysql-database: guacamolemysql-username:
        > guacamolemysql-password: [password]
        Does this mean you have manually edited after the
        container started?
        - Mike

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