On Sat, May 26, 2018 at 9:46 AM, Nick Couchman
<nick.e.couch...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I'll recheck open JIRA issues and PRs in a bit, but the above are what
>>> come
>>> to mind.
> Hey, everyone,
> Circling back on this 1.0.0 release, I'm going to propose that we fix the
> release to include the issues currently noted in JIRA:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/GUACAMOLE/versions/12342170
> I've added a few more today based on PRs currently open in the
> guacamole-server and guacamole-client repositories and that should be
> simple enough to push through.  I'd suggest focusing on closing out the
> rest of the issues - I know Mike has been working the group support pretty
> hard, and there are a couple other big ones that should be doable to finish
> up.
> Thoughts?  Any we want to eliminate from the list?  Any that should be
> added?

I'd like to include GUACAMOLE-567, which is the "detecting and
advising of network connectivity issues" feature I mentioned earlier
in the thread. I've been sitting on a development branch with the
changes for the above, and they should be pretty ready for PR and
review, but I've only just now opened the corresponding issue in JIRA:


Other than that, I'm good with the above scope, and definitely in
favor of moving forward with 1.0.0.

- Mike

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