
I agree with Mike.

I would say the next 0.9.10-incubating release is important, it will help to extend the community IMHO.

Once this release out, I plan to discuss with Mike about graduation.


On 10/18/2016 01:20 AM, Mike Jumper wrote:
On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 3:00 PM, Mark Hemmer <mark.hem...@csgi.com> wrote:

When do you think this will go out of incubator and to a 1.0 release?

Hi Mark,

A 1.0 release and graduation from the Incubator are separate issues. This
project (or any other incubating project) could easily end up releasing
1.0.0-incubating release, just as stable and rich as you might expect for a
1.0 milestone, while still being in the Incubator. It's just a matter of
which events happens first. So ... one point at a time:

(1) Graduation from the Apache Incubator

There's a pretty good description on what is required for incubating
projects to graduate here:

Regarding Apache Guacamole specifically, I'd say we're relatively young in
the Incubator, and are still trying to get things moving toward a first
release. It's important for the project to keep graduation in mind as an
ultimate goal, but the biggest milestone in the near future will actually
be that first release: "0.9.10-incubating". Effort is currently focused on
updating docs with respect to the new screen sharing features and API
changes, but there are several new release processes we need to get used to
as a project.

(2) Releasing 1.0

Version numbers being exactly what they are, "numbers", this is a mostly a
question of what a "1.0 release" would mean for Guacamole from the
perspective of the project and surrounding community. That topic alone
probably warrants another thread. I'm not sure when I, personally, would
feel comfortable calling something "1.0", but that's not to say 0.9.9 or
any other recent Guacamole releases are unstable (or that an eventual 1.0
would be bug-free).

There is no current timeline or roadmap to an official 1.0, but I don't
think that's a problem per se. If the community desires something to call
"1.0", then by all means let the discussion of scope commence. :)

....... meanwhile, however, I'll be working on 0.9.10-incubating.


- Mike

Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Talend - http://www.talend.com

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