I'm getting the error message: unrecognized configuration parameter
"ONETARY" with a few of the TPC-DS queries where I'm increasing the number
of vsegs to get better performance.  The error message alone is confusing
so even if I am doing something wrong, the message should be improved.

My environment:

AWS d2.8xlarge nodes
- 24 2 TB disks
- 252 GB RAM
- 36 cores
- Centos 6
- 10 nodes
- 1 admin node
- 10GB network
- 7 TB of data
- Standard TPC-DS Queries
- hawq_rm_memory_limit_perseg = 200gb
- hawq_rm_stmt_vseg_memory = 16gb
- Random distribution on all tables

I'm tried reducing the statement memory but that doesn't change anything.

Query 88 is a good example of this because it fails quickly.

set hawq_rm_nvseg_perquery_perseg_limit=12;

time psql -f 188.tpcds.88.sql
Timing is on.
Time: 0.157 ms
 h8_30_to_9 | h9_to_9_30 | h9_30_to_10 | h10_to_10_30 | h10_30_to_11 |
h11_to_11_30 | h11_30_to_12 | h12_to_12_30
   16279055 |   32496701 |    32493080 |     48732586 |     48782652 |
28460584 |     28453299 |     32518016
(1 row)

Time: 259695.969 ms

real 4m19.706s
user 0m0.001s
sys 0m0.003s

set hawq_rm_nvseg_perquery_perseg_limit=14;

time psql -f 188.tpcds.88.sql
Timing is on.
Time: 0.171 ms
psql:188.tpcds.88.sql:95: ERROR:  Error dispatching to seg25
ip-172-21-13-189.ec2.internal:40000: connection pointer is NULL
DETAIL:  Master unable to connect to seg25
ip-172-21-13-189.ec2.internal:40000: FATAL:  unrecognized configuration
parameter "ONETARY"

real 0m8.787s
user 0m0.003s
sys 0m0.002s

Jon Roberts

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