It would be handy if the "hawq config" also updated Ambari's database so
that changes could be made in either place are retained when changes are
made in either place.

Register Ambari:
hawq ambari -u admin -w admin -h myhost -p 8080

"hawq config" could then raise INFO/WARN messages about updating Ambari.

hawq config -c hawq_rm_stmt_vseg_memory -v 16gb
INFO: Updated Ambari with hawq_rm_stmt_vseg_memory=16gb
hawq config -c hawq_rm_stmt_vseg_memory -v 16gb
WARN: Failed to update Ambari with hawq_rm_stmt_vseg_memory=16gb. Please
update Ambari credentials manually to retain this configuration change
after a restart.

The implementation would require interacting with the Ambari APIs and also
storing the credentials in an encrypted file on the HAWQ Master.


Jon Roberts
Principal Engineer | | 615-426-8661

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