On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 12:37 PM, Gregory Chanan <gcha...@cloudera.com> wrote:
> How are we deciding what counts as a component?  Based on what people say
> here?


I think that is ok.  If the thing can be described and someone has
volunteered to look after it, then it 'exists'.

> Some of these seem vastly different in scope (e.g. Client vs
> HalfStoreFile).


> Also, will it be obvious, from the JIRA, who I need to get reviews from and
> how many?  From Stack's e-mail it sounds like clicking on the component
> will give you a list of names; perhaps we should make it explicit in that
> link that one +1 is enough for anyone on this list, otherwise two +1s are
> necessary.

Good suggestion.   I'll do this.

> We need to make it clear what the process is for new
> contributors (more process is okay, but it needs to be fair and explicit).


I'll add a section to our community chapter in refguide w/ the few
rules we came up w/ here.

> What about patches that touch more than one component?

Both component owners?  Or a component owner and a +1 from someone
other than author (That'd align w/ our two +1s from any contributor
equating to a component owners' +1... sort of).


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