Agreed on these points, Sean. Having used both, I think both approaches have their value and their drawbacks.

The ruby shell is _wonderful_ from having a full programming language to interact with. Accumulo's shell would force you to use your standard unix-toolbelt if you want to do any extra parsing/logic.

OTOH, general introspection and interaction with the system feels much more natural to me w/ Accumulo's shell. I know that's not a good way to quantify my feelings. I think it's mostly due to not having to write Ruby when I'm not actually scripting things. Another point is that Accumulo uses JLine under the hood which always comes with its own burden (things like C^c nuked the entire shell for the longest time because JLine didn't support it -- we sometimes have to fix JLine to get the functionality we want).

I also caught wind of someone actually using JavaScript via JSR-223 w/ the Accumulo shell, but it's not widely advertised at this point.

Finding a the right mix between ease of scripting and simplicity of administrative interactions is key if we want to move beyond what the HBase shell is now. My $0.02.

(and, to not completely derail the original conversation, moving to Ruby 2.2 + JRuby 9000 would be what I think the right move to make is)

Sean Busbey wrote:

* It's easier to test and maintain
* it's easier to script with
* its interactive mode "feels" mode focused on the task of interacting with
a cluster to me (maybe this is just acting like a psql or mysql shell)


* adding custom commands requires knowing java

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