
On Wed, Sep 7, 2016, at 12:55 AM, Apache Jenkins Server wrote:
> Build status: Successful
> If successful, the website and docs have been generated. To update the
> live site, follow the instructions below. If failed, skip to the bottom
> of this email.
> Use the following commands to download the patch and apply it to a clean
> branch based on origin/asf-site. If you prefer to keep the hbase-site
> repo around permanently, you can skip the clone step.
>   git clone https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/hbase-site.git
>   cd hbase-site
>   wget -O-
> https://builds.apache.org/job/hbase_generate_website/334/artifact/website.patch.zip
>   | funzip > b6ba13c37715422710a142f6f82ba4817129c3d6.patch
>   git fetch
>   git checkout -b asf-site-b6ba13c37715422710a142f6f82ba4817129c3d6
>   origin/asf-site
>   git am --whitespace=fix b6ba13c37715422710a142f6f82ba4817129c3d6.patch
> At this point, you can preview the changes by opening index.html or any
> of the other HTML pages in your local
> asf-site-b6ba13c37715422710a142f6f82ba4817129c3d6 branch.
> There are lots of spurious changes, such as timestamps and CSS styles in
> tables, so a generic git diff is not very useful. To see a list of files
> that have been added, deleted, renamed, changed type, or are otherwise
> interesting, use the following command:
>   git diff --name-status --diff-filter=ADCRTXUB origin/asf-site
> To see only files that had 100 or more lines changed:
>   git diff --stat origin/asf-site | grep -E '[1-9][0-9]{2,}'
> When you are satisfied, publish your changes to origin/asf-site using
> these commands:
>   git commit --allow-empty -m "Empty commit" # to work around a current
>   ASF INFRA bug
>   git push origin
>   asf-site-b6ba13c37715422710a142f6f82ba4817129c3d6:asf-site
>   git checkout asf-site
>   git branch -D asf-site-b6ba13c37715422710a142f6f82ba4817129c3d6
> Changes take a couple of minutes to be propagated. You can verify whether
> they have been propagated by looking at the Last Published date at the
> bottom of http://hbase.apache.org/. It should match the date in the
> index.html on the asf-site branch in Git.
> As a courtesy- reply-all to this email to let other committers know you
> pushed the site.
> If failed, see
> https://builds.apache.org/job/hbase_generate_website/334/console

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