Hi folks,

I'd like to propose the introduction of FileSystem quotas to HBase.

Here's a design doc[1] available which (hopefully) covers all of the salient points of what I think an initial version of such a feature would include.

tl;dr We can define quotas on tables and namespaces. Region size is computed by RegionServers and sent to the Master. The Master inspects the sizes of Regions, rolling up to table and namespace sizes. Defined quotas in the quota table are evaluated given the computed sizes, and, for those tables/namespaces violating the quota, RegionServers are informed to take some action to limit any further filesystem growth by that table/namespace.

I'd encourage you to give the document a read -- I tried to cover as much as I could without getting unnecessarily bogged down in implementation details.

Feedback is, of course, welcomed. I'd like to start sketching out a breakdown of the work (all writing and no programming makes Josh a sad boy). I'm happy to field any/all questions. Thanks in advance.

- Josh

[1] http://home.apache.org/~elserj/hbase/FileSystemQuotasforApacheHBase.pdf

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