I am having problems getting correct match's results from searching through 
multiple HBASE's tables. 
Is there a bug in HBASE's filter? Wondering if anyone know HBASE \ Java well 
and willing to help out or for a fee. 
Is this a bug with HBASE? 

HBASE Release 0.98.8 - 11/18/2014 

Would someone help me out with the problem or confirmation whether HBASE is the 
right tool or not. 

Here are the details of the problem: 
First I am reading some data from one table and storing in a vector or 
arrayList: Is there a better way or different approach to achieve the results 
than what I am heading? I am stuck trying to get the correct results with the 
following approach. 

//First, I am reading some data from one table and storing in a vector or 

for (Result r : rs) { 
for (KeyValue kv : r.raw()) { 
if (new String(kv.getFamily()).equals("name")) { 
temp = new String(kv.getValue()); 

//Then, I want to search a different table based on the values of this vector. 
//I used filters to do this: (I tried BinaryPrefixComparator and 
BinaryComparator as well) 

FilterList filterList = new FilterList(FilterList.Operator.MUST_PASS_ONE); 

for (int c = 0; c < x.size(); c++) { 
filterList.addFilter(new SingleColumnValueFilter(Bytes.toBytes("name"), null, 
CompareOp.EQUAL, new SubstringComparator( x.get(c).toString() ))); 

//I should get 3 results back, however I only get one result back, the first 
entry in the database. 
What doesn't make sense is that when I hardcode the value that I am looking for 
into my code, I will get all 3 results back. 

I thought there might be some issue with converting the bytes to String and 
then back to bytes, but that would not explain how it was able to bring back 
the first result. For some reason, it is stopping at the first match and 
doesn't continue to find the other 2 rows that contain matching data. If I 
hardcode it i get the results: 

filterList.addFilter(new SingleColumnValueFilter(Bytes.toBytes("mpnum"), null, 
CompareOp.EQUAL, new SubstringComparator( x.get(0).toString() ))); 

edit: Here is the contents of the tables: 

0 column=gpnum:, timestamp=1481300288449, value=def123 
0 column=mpnum:, timestamp=1481300273355, value=abc123 
0 column=price:, timestamp=1481300255337, value=85.0 
1 column=gpnum:, timestamp=1481301599999, value=def2244 
1 column=mpnum:, timestamp=1481301582336, value=011511607 
1 column=price:, timestamp=1481301673886, value=0.76 


0 column=brand:, timestamp=1481300227283, value=x 
0 column=mpnum:, timestamp=1481300212289, value=abc123 
0 column=price:, timestamp=1481300110950, value=50.0 
1 column=mpnum:, timestamp=1481301806687 , value=011511607 
1 column=price:, timestamp=1481301777345 , value=1.81 
13 column=webtype:, timestamp=1483507543878, value=US 
3 column=avail:, timestamp=1481306538360, value=avail 
3 column=brand:, timestamp=1481306538360, value=brand 
3 column=descr:, timestamp=1481306538360, value=description 
3 column=dist:, timestamp=1481306538360, value=distributor 
3 column=mpnum:, timestamp=1481306538360, value=pnum 
3 column=price:, timestamp=1481306538360, value=price 
3 column=url:, timestamp=1481306538360, value=url 
3 column=webtype:, timestamp=1481306538360, value=webtype 
4 column=avail:, timestamp=1481306538374, value=4 
4 column=brand:, timestamp=1481306538374, value=x 
4 column=descr:, timestamp=1481306538374, value=description 
4 column=dist:, timestamp=1481306538374, value=x 
4 column=mpnum:, timestamp=1482117383212 , value=011511607 
4 column=price:, timestamp=1481306538374 , value=34.51 
4 column=url:, timestamp=1481306538374, value=x:q! 
4 column=webtype:, timestamp=1481306538374, value=US 
5 column=avail:, timestamp=1481306538378, value= 
5 column=brand:, timestamp=1481306538378, value=name 
5 column=descr:, timestamp=1481306538378, value=x 
5 column=dist:, timestamp=1481306538378, value=x 
5 column=mpnum:, timestamp=1482117392043 , value=011511607 
5 column=price:, timestamp=1481306538378 , value=321.412 
5 column=url:, timestamp=1481306538378, value=x.com 

THIRD TABLE (to store result matches) 

0 column=brand:, timestamp=1481301813849, value=name 
0 column=cprice:, timestamp=1481301813849, value=1.81 
0 column=gpnum:, timestamp=1481301813849, value=def2244 
0 column=gprice:, timestamp=1481301813849, value=0.76 
0 column=mpnum:, timestamp=1481301813849, value=011511607 

**should be three matches those that are in bold above but only brings back one 

Your help is much appreciated. Thank You Yoom 

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