The first release candidate for HBase 2.0.0-alpha-3 is up at:

Maven artifacts are available from a staging directory here:

All was signed with my key at y 8ACC93D2

I tagged the RC as
2.0.0-alpha-3RC0.2 (a5c8461ca87d6324f16ffd126b765146fdd5315a)

hbase-2.0.0-alpha-3 is our third alpha release on our march toward an
hbase-2.0.0. It includes all that was in previous alphas (new assignment
manager, offheap read/write path, in-memory compactions, etc.), but had a
focus on polishing our public API: old API that had been deprecated since
hbase-1.0.0 or before was purged and new API was added with sympathetic
deprecation of the previous. Along the Admin plane, incompatible changes
were unavoidable; you will not be able to administer a hbase2 cluster using
an hbase1 client (see adjacent "[DISCUSS] hbase-2.0.0 compatibility
expectations" thread for discussion and see [1] for current list of

What is here will be our public API for 2.0.0 unless we get pushback from
our gracious downstreamers. Please try it out. Shout now if you find a
problem so we can fix it before we get to beta.

Alpha-3 does not have the final version of our Coprocessor API. Finishing
the Coprocessor API for hbase-2.0.0 is the topic of our last planned alpha,
2.0.0-alpha-4. The Coprocessor API changes pretty radically in hbase-2.0.0
(though Coprocessor Endpoints will continue to work across an upgrade). See
[2] for why and why it was unavoidable. Input now from Coprocessor API
users before alpha-4 would be especially effective (I've cc'd our Phoenix
brothers and sisters toward this end).

hbase-2.0.0-alpha-3RC0 is a rough cut ('alpha'), not-for-production preview
of what hbase-2.0.0 will look like. It is meant for devs and downstreamers
to test drive and flag us early if we messed up anything ahead of our
rolling GAs.

The list of features addressed in 2.0.0 so far can be found here [3]. There
are about 2700+. The list of ~500 fixes in 2.0.0 exclusively can be found
here [3].

I've updated our overview doc. on the state of 2.0.0 [6] but JIRA 2.0.0
label [5] has undergone extensive weeding and presents a fairly good
picture on what is yet to do before we 2.0.0. Check it out.

Please take it for a spin and vote on whether it ok to put out as our first
alpha (bar is low for an 'alpha'). Let the VOTE be open for 72 hours


1. Current list of Incompatibles:
2. Why CPs are Incompatible:

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