Hi folks!

I was chatting with Umesh yesterday about reviews here in HBase and we
ended up talking about a couple of related problems:

1) As a person who does reviews, there's no obvious way in our current
project tooling to track those things I am reviewing or want to

I've tried using "Watching", but that's also issues where I just want
to know when things progress. I've tried just looking for things where
I've commented, but that also is messy.

Currently, I rely on links to issues that I store in a G Keep list.

2) As a person who cares about project health, answering "who's doing
reviews" is really hard. We've had mixed success with the commit
message annotation. It also only really answers the question for stuff
that makes it into those git branches that I think to check.


One possible solution to all of this is to expressly track reviewers
in the issue tracker, as we do who's handling implementation. In
GitHub issues there's exactly a field for this purpose. In ASF Jira
I've seen projects use "assignee" for this, or just the reviewer who
actually commits the change. I don't want to do that, since I like
tracking the person responsible for the fix.

Talking to the ASF Infra folks, it looks like they could add a field
for us on the Jira instance. Would folks be up for trying it out? I
think we'd want to allow listing multiple reviewers.

This way I could answer both #1 and #2 above, presuming some ground
work on adding reviewers in. It'd be an equivalent jira gardening task
as making sure we have the assignee set to whoever most handled making
the fix. (That is, most of the time folks would self-assign and
sometimes after-the-fact we'd correct the field when someone reviewed
in comments without adding themselves to the list.)

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