Hi Team,

I have a issue with HBase cluster.

I have hosted an HBase cluster with Phoenix on EMR emr-5.8.0. I have 1
master and 5 slaves 4.x large nodes. I’m losing the data while querying a
table after a region server dies. Here are the steps I followed.

1. Launched the cluster with hfs replication factory as 3.
2. Created the tables and loaded the data using Phoenix.
3. Cross checked the data I loaded into tables and I see the data.
4. Wantedly terminated a EC2 machine which is part of cluster, meaning
killing region server.
5. I could see EMR resizing and bringing up the new node.
6. When I query the table after the whole cluster is stable, which usually
took 5-10 minutes, I see losing some data which is on dead RS.

I believe HBase replays the WAL once new node is brought up and I could
also see the WAL file on HDFS new RS’s directory. But somehow I don’t see
the complete data from the table.

Could you please let me know what possibly could go wrong. Also please let
me know if I have to set any properties.

I would be happy to provide more details if you need.


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