Can you take a look at :
HBASE-18901 [C++] Provide CMAKE infrastructure

There hasn't been effort to support newer folly.


On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 1:42 PM, Andrzej <> wrote:

> I have installed new (17 days ago) folly and wangle from sources.
> I try compile sources of native client from HBASE-14850 branch.
> These sources are old.
> I have problem:
> ```
> template <typename F, typename R = futures::detail::callableResult<T, F>>
>   typename R::Return then(F&& func) {
>     return this->template thenImplementation<F, R>(
>         std::forward<F>(func), typename R::Arg());
>   }
> ```
> from /usr/local/include/folly/futures/Future.h
> Is template called from
> ```
> //  mimic: std::invoke_result_t, C++17
> template <typename F, typename... Args>
> using invoke_result_t = typename invoke_result<F, Args...>::type;
> ```
> from /usr/local/include/folly/functional/Invoke.h
> but is called from
> ```
>  GetRegionLocations(actions, locate_timeout_ns)
>       .then([=](std::vector<Try<std::shared_ptr<RegionLocation>>> &loc) {
>         std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lck(multi_mutex_);
>         ActionsByServer actions_by_server;
>         std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Action>> locate_failed;
> ```
> from 
> /home/andrzej/projects/simple-hbase2/src/hbase/client/
> - my project
> I have turn on -std=gnu++17
> There are error and notes:
> ====================================================
> /home/andrzej/projects/simple-hbase2/src/hbase/client/async-
>|259|error: no matching function for call to
> ‘folly::Future<std::vector<folly::Try<std::shared_ptr<hbase::RegionLocation>
> > > >::then(hbase::AsyncBatchRpcRetryingCaller<REQ,
> RESP>::GroupAndSend(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<hbase::Action> >&,
> int32_t) [with REQ = std::shared_ptr<hbase::Row>; RESP =
> std::shared_ptr<hbase::Result>; int32_t = int]::<lambda(std::vector<foll
> y::Try<std::shared_ptr<hbase::RegionLocation> > >&)>)’|
> /usr/local/include/folly/futures/Future.h|737|note: candidate:
> template<class F, class R> typename R::Return folly::Future<T>::then(F&&)
> [with F = F; R = R; T = std::vector<folly::Try<std::sh
> ared_ptr<hbase::RegionLocation> > >]|
> /usr/local/include/folly/futures/Future.h|737|note:   substitution of
> deduced template arguments resulted in errors seen above|
> /usr/local/include/folly/futures/Future.h|753|note: candidate:
> template<class R, class Caller, class ... Args> folly::Future<typename
> folly::isFuture<F>::Inner> folly::Future<T>::then(R (Caller::*)(Args ...),
> Caller*) [with R = R; Caller = Caller; Args = {Args ...}; T =
> std::vector<folly::Try<std::shared_ptr<hbase::RegionLocation> > >]|
> /usr/local/include/folly/futures/Future.h|753|note:   template argument
> deduction/substitution failed:|
> /home/andrzej/projects/simple-hbase2/src/hbase/client/async-
>|259|note:   mismatched types ‘R
> (Caller::*)(Args ...)’ and ‘hbase::AsyncBatchRpcRetryingCaller<REQ,
> RESP>::GroupAndSend(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<hbase::Action> >&,
> int32_t) [with REQ = std::shared_ptr<hbase::Row>; RESP =
> std::shared_ptr<hbase::Result>; int32_t = int]::<lambda(std::vector<foll
> y::Try<std::shared_ptr<hbase::RegionLocation> > >&)>’|
> /usr/local/include/folly/futures/Future.h|770|note: candidate:
> template<class Executor, class Arg, class ... Args> auto
> folly::Future<T>::then(Executor*, Arg&&, Args&& ...) [with Executor =
> Executor; Arg = Arg; Args = {Args ...}; T = std::vector<folly::Try<std::sh
> ared_ptr<hbase::RegionLocation> > >]|
> /usr/local/include/folly/futures/Future.h|770|note:   template argument
> deduction/substitution failed:|
> /home/andrzej/projects/simple-hbase2/src/hbase/client/async-
>|259|note:   mismatched types ‘Executor*’ and
> ‘hbase::AsyncBatchRpcRetryingCaller<REQ, RESP>::GroupAndSend(const
> std::vector<std::shared_ptr<hbase::Action> >&, int32_t) [with REQ =
> std::shared_ptr<hbase::Row>; RESP = std::shared_ptr<hbase::Result>;
> int32_t = 
> int]::<lambda(std::vector<folly::Try<std::shared_ptr<hbase::RegionLocation>
> > >&)>’|
> /usr/local/include/folly/futures/Future-inl.h|975|note: candidate:
> folly::Future<folly::Unit> folly::Future<T>::then() [with T =
> std::vector<folly::Try<std::shared_ptr<hbase::RegionLocation> > >]|
> /usr/local/include/folly/futures/Future-inl.h|975|note:   candidate
> expects 0 arguments, 1 provided|
> ====================================================
> How I can change this piece of sources to fit new folly?

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