The first release candidate for HBase 1.2.11 is available for download:

Maven artifacts are also available in a staging repository at:

Artifacts are signed with my key (0D80DB7C) published in our KEYS
file at

The RC corresponds to the signed tag 1.2.11RC0, which currently points
to commit ref


HBase 1.2.11 is the eleventh maintenance release in the HBase 1.2 line,
continuing on the theme of bringing a stable, reliable database to the
Hadoop and NoSQL communities. This release includes two bug fixes done
in the month since 1.2.10.

The detailed source and binary compatibility report vs 1.2.10 has been
published for your review, at:

The report shows no issues.

Critical fixes include:

* HBASE-21196 - HTableMultiplexer clears the meta cache after every put
* HBASE-21374 - FileSystem in use may get closed by other bulk load call
        in secure bulkLoad

The full list of fixes included in this release is available at:

and in the CHANGES.txt file included in the distribution.

Please try out this candidate and vote +1/-1 on whether we should
release these artifacts as HBase 1.2.11.

The VOTE will remain open for at least 72 hours.



as of this email the posted artifacts have the following SHA512:


07B09CFC FD331381 6D03CDF3 A91ED896 A212F08F 0AE22B23
AC61F092 96A852CE B5892F66 8F169D47 D877DABD 14862D09
D4B643D1 AA0B09CA DC2A4870 3F9A2891


AA781CFC B094DEED BE5BE36B 485B219B 4ECEEBB2 3E5F67A9
656AFC10 2DEFCBAE AE9DAD5C 9C4984B2 092A3A6E 9CE77EB2
5DA1159C 4810D65C 3EB6E92D AA782E27

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