Hi all,

I am from Apache Gora project. I currently in the process of upgrade our
HBase dependencies to 2.0.5. We faced the issue described in [1] and had to
put workarounds to get through it some time back. ( By timestamps ) Now I
started to test NEW_VERSION_BEHAVIOR and I noticed even trivial row deletes
fails when NEW_VERSION_BEHAVIOR is set to true.

Delete del = new Delete(toBytes(key));

table = connection.getTable(tableName);

Result result = table.get(new Get(toBytes(key)));

Here Get returns some cells which are marked for delete. ( Some columns are
deleted and some are not ) These deletes works fine when
NEW_VERSION_BEHAVIOR is set to false. Please note I do this tests
using HBaseTestingUtility

Are there any known issues with NEW_VERSION_BEHAVIOR with deletes? It would
be really helpful if someone can give some pointers to debug the root cause
of this.

[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-2256


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