We use FavoredStochasticBalancer, which by description says the same thing
as FavoredNodeLoadBalancer. Ignoring that fact, problem appears to be

 favor node balancer is a problem, as it stores the favor node information
> in hbase:meta.

Going a step back.

Did we ever consider giving a thought towards truely multi-tenant hbase?
Where each rsgroup has a group of datanodes and namespace tables data
created under that particular rsgroup would sit on those datanodes only? We
have attempted to do that and have largely been very successful running
clusters of hundreds of terabytes with hundreds of regionservers(datanodes)
per cluster.

1. We use a modified version of RSGroupBasedFavoredNodeLoadBalancer
contributed by Thiruvel Thirumoolan -->

On each balance operation, while the region is moved around (or while
creating table), favored nodes are assigned based on the rsgroup that
region is pinned to. And hence data is pinned to those datanodes only
(Pinning favored nodes is best effort from the hdfs side, but there are
only a few exception scenarios where data will be spilled over and they
recover after a major compaction).

2. We have introduced several balancer cost functions to restore things to
normalcy (multi tenancy with fn pinning) such as when a node is dead, or
when fn's are imbalanced within the same rsgroup, etc.

3. We had diverse workloads under the same cluster and WAL isolation became
a requirement and we went ahead with similar philosophy mentioned in line
1. Where WAL's are created with FN pinning so that they are tied to
datanodes belonging to the same rsgroup. Some discussion seems to have
happened here --> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-21641

There are several other enhancements we have worked on with respect to
rsgroup aware export snapshot, rsaware regionmover, rsaware cluster
replication, etc.

For above use cases, we would be needing fn information on hbase:meta.

If the use case seems to be a fit for how we would want hbase to be taken
forward as one of the supported use cases, willing to contribute our
changes back to the community. (I was anyway planning to initiate this

To strengthen the above use case. Here is what one of our multi tenant
cluster looks like

RSGroups(Tenants): 21 (With tenant isolation)
Regionservers: 275
Regions Hosted: 6k
Tables Hosted: 87
Capacity: 250 TB (100TB used)


On Mon, Apr 26, 2021 at 9:15 AM 张铎(Duo Zhang) <palomino...@gmail.com> wrote:

> As you all know, we always want to reduce the size of the hbase-server
> module. This time we want to separate the balancer related code to another
> sub module.
> The design doc:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T7WSgcQBJTtbJIjqi8sZYLxD2Z7JbIHx4TJaKKdkBbE/edit#
> You can see the bottom of the design doc, favor node balancer is a problem,
> as it stores the favor node information in hbase:meta. Stack mentioned that
> the feature is already dead, maybe we could just purge it from our code
> base.
> So here we want to know if there are still some users in the community who
> still use favor node balancer. Please share your experience and whether you
> still want to use it.
> Thanks.

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