Hi folks,

This is a follow-on for the HBASE-24749 discussion on storefile tracking, specifically focusing on where/how do we store the list of files for each Store.

I tried to capture my thoughts and the suggestions by Duo and Wellington in this google doc [1].

Please feel free to ask for edit permission (and send me a note if your email address isn't one that I would otherwise recognize :) ) to correct, improve, or expand on any other sections.

FWIW, I was initially not super excited about a per-Store file, but, the more I think about it, the more I'm coming around to that idea. I think it will be more "exception-handling", but avoid the long-term operational burden of yet-another-important-system-table.

- Josh

[1] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yzjvQvQfnT-M8ZgKdcQNedF8HssTnQR2loPkZtlJGVg/edit?usp=sharing

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