


From:"Duo Zhang"< zhang...@apache.org &gt;;

Date:2021/12/18 16:30

To:"HBase Dev List"< dev@hbase.apache.org &gt;;

Subject:[VOTE] Merge feature branch HBASE-26233 back to master

There is a previous thread[1] to mention that the main development work on
HBASE-26233[2] is done. And now the testing work has been done too, so I
send this official vote to merge for HBASE-26233 back into master.

For those who are not familiar with HBASE-26233, it is for re-implementing
the region replication framework, to decouple with the general replication
framework. You could see the design doc[3] for more details. I've also
opened a PR against master[4], PTAL if you have interest.

You can see the final test result on HBASE-26487[5].
In conclusion, there is no regression on performance when running PE.
Using the new tool introduced in HBASE-26540[6], the new implementation can
perform much better than the old implementation. When inserting 1M rows,
the max lag on secondary replica is 335ms, and the 99.9% lag is 3 only 3ms,
while the lag of the old implementation highly depends on the
replication.source.sleepforretries config but you should not set it to a
very small value as it will waste a lot of resources.
On IntegrationTestRegionReplicaReplication, both implementations can not
pass but the problems are not related to the changing part, so should not
be a blocker. Will file follow on issues to address these problems.

The vote will open for at least 72 hours.

Please vote:
+1: Merge the changes from HBASE-26233 to master
-1: Do not merge these changes because ...


1. https://lists.apache.org/thread/t8w053kpy9pj1vg1x3c0kjjh4ongrxzy
2. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-26233
4. https://github.com/apache/hbase/pull/3891
5. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-26487
6. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-26540

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