Please vote on this Apache HBase release candidate, 2.5.7RC0

The VOTE will remain open for at least 72 hours.

[ ] +1 Release this package as Apache HBase 2.5.7
[ ] -1 Do not release this package because ...

The tag to be voted on is 2.5.7RC0:

This tag currently points to git reference


The release files, including signatures, digests, as well as
and included in this RC can be found at:

The API compatibility report comparing this RC to the previous release
can be found at:

As explained in the recent email to dev@ titled '[NOTICE] Recent changes
to ZooKeeper dependencies due to CVE issues has a compatibility impact',
due to a recent upgrade of our ZooKeeper dependencies via HBASE-28153
there has been an allowable and expected impact to the shaded jars we
distribute for the convenience of our downstream users. Naturally because
the version of ZooKeeper shaded into these jars has changed, so has the
compatibility of the included classes with earlier releases.

There is also a source only compatibility impact to the Public annotated
Admin API because of HBASE-25549, which has this release note:

   New APIs are added to Admin, AsyncAdmin, and hbase shell to allow
   modifying a table without reopening all regions...

Maven artifacts are available in a staging repository at:

Maven artifacts for hadoop3 are available in a staging repository at:

Artifacts were signed with the 0xD5365CCD key which can be found in:

To learn more about Apache HBase, please see

Your HBase Release Manager

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