I’m a fan of moving forward and accelerating our cadence of adoption, if
that’s possible. Much of our performance-critical code relies on features
deprecated after JDK8. We need to see if those use-cases are adequately
supported by JDK17 or some later version.

For the curious, we hide those use cases in the hbase-thirdparty repo, in
the hbase-unsafe module.


On Mon, 29 Apr 2024 at 19:22, rajeshb...@apache.org <
chrajeshbab...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> With 3.0 on the horizon, we could look into bumping the minimum required
> Java version for HBase.
> The last discussion I could find was four years ago, when dropping 8.0
> support was rejected.
> https://lists.apache.org/thread/ph8xry0x37cvjj89fp2jk1k48yb7gs46
> Now it's four years later, and the end of OpenJDK support for Java 8 and 11
> are much closer.
> (Oracle public support is so short that I consider that irrelevant)
> Some critical dependencies (like Jetty) have ended even regular security
> support for Java 8.
> By supporting Java 8 we are alse limiting ourselves to using an already 10
> year old Java release, ignoring any developments in the language.
> My take is that with the current dogmatic emphasis on CVE mitigation the
> benefits of bumping the required JDK version outweigh the benefits even for
> the legacy install base, especially it's getting harder and harder to be
> CVE free with Java 8.
> Furthermore, with RedHat dropping JDK11 support this year, I think we could
> also consider bumping the minimum requirement straight to JDK 17.
> Hadoop is still on Java 8, but previously it has dropped Java 7 support in
> a patch release, and I wouldn't be surprised if it dropped Java 8 in a
> similar manner, so I would not put too much stock in that.
> What do you think ?
> Thanks,
> Rajeshbabu.

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