Am 2014-11-16 um 13:08 schrieb Oleg Kalnichevski:
On Sat, 2014-11-15 at 21:58 +0100, Michael Osipov wrote:
Am 2014-11-15 um 14:27 schrieb Karl Wright:
Hi Michael,

I understand how the workaround would work if I should implement it that
way, but I'm less certain about your proposed changes to HttpClient.  For
example, for proxies and NTLM this is what I currently do:

CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider();
    new AuthScope(proxyHost, proxyPort),
    new NTCredentials(proxyAuthUsername, proxyAuthPassword, currentHost,
Side note: this is actually redudant because HttpClient can deduce the
host itself. Don't know why you can pass this at all.

Please feel free to go ahead and deprecate the constructor, if you think
there is no legitimate reason to provide a custom local workstation


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