Am 2015-02-27 um 11:28 schrieb Oleg Kalnichevski:
On Thu, 2015-02-26 at 21:16 +0100, Michael Osipov wrote:

is there any reason why you don't assign issues to yourself if you
planning to fix/already fixed them?

What would be the benefit of that other than extra noise on the mailing
list? For the past ten years I cannot think of a single case of multiple
people racing to commit a fix for an issue.

There is no need to have all tickets sent to the ML at all. You can always subscribe to a JIRA query. It will have the same effect.

At Apache Maven, we aren't only a few people so there is a vital case for that. It is a clear indication that someone feels responsible for this issue and will take care of. The reporter in turn will be informed about that.

I also no point in raising tickets for stuff like HTTPCLIENT-1621,
HTTPCLIENT-1622 and similar. Just fix the damn thing, commit the fix,
add an entry to release notes if it is news worthy and move on.

I have a different, broader view on that. While you might think this is useluess or too much, you have to think from the opposite side: When I plan to upgrade any dependency in my POM, I check the changelog in JIRA first. Everything is documented as an issue, I do *not* need to read the Subversion/Git log for that.

It is simple: documentation, predictability and open communication to the community.

Moreover, I tend to forget stuff if I do not file an issue for that.


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