Am 2017-05-22 um 20:29 schrieb Gary Gregory:
On Mon, May 22, 2017 at 11:16 AM, Michael Osipov <>

Am 2017-05-22 um 06:46 schrieb Gary Gregory:

I will follow whatever the community decides; my only request is that
precise git instructions be provided for contributors and RMs. I'm sure
Oleg does not need them, but I'd like to get releases sooner perhaps so I
might give RMing a go if there a bug fix I just must have ASAP.

On what do you exact Git steps? How to squash/rewrite? On a release? Maven
Release Plugin does that for you

I would expect to see Git instructions so that contributors using Apache
Git or GitHub can provide a branch or PR that meets the cleanliness
standard you all expect.

This is actually described in point 1, 3, and 5. I don't see reason to repeat stackoverflow questions or the Git Book.

If you are not firm with Git yet a lot of answers can be found on stackoverflow or simply as a fellow committer.

On May 21, 2017 2:00 AM, "Michael Osipov" <> wrote:

Hi folks,

I am casting this vote for the previously discussed Git guidelines for
committers to make life easier for everyone. If the vote passes, every
committer must abide to this.

The guidelines:
= Typical Issue Workflow =

 1. Branch off a release branch (e.g., 4.4.x, 5.0.x) ({{{git checkout -b
<release branch>/<JIRA id> master}}}) where {{{<JIRA id>}}} being the
issue you have assigned to yourself, e.g., HTTPCORE-123 or
Exmaple: {{{git checkout -b 4.4.x/HTTPCORE-123 4.4.x}}}.
 1. Work on your issue and create as many commits as you want/need
 1. Polish it, squash it or fix it up into a single commit
 1. Ask for a review if you are uncertain
 1. Take care of a proper commit message (good reads: [[|1]] and [[|2]]):
the title of the JIRA issue, e.g., [HTTPCORE-123] Memory leak in
in the first line, followed by an explanation why you did take this
approach. The ticket desc contains the issue, your commit message
the solution. If in doubt, ask for help and give people a couple of days
 1. Request the release manager to merge your banch back to the release
branch and make sure that this merge won't incur a merge commit
 1. When you close the issue, put a link to your commit to create a
relation between issue and solution.

=  Side Notes =

 1. Never rewrite (rebase) history on master or any other long-lived
branch because you will break others. Only the release manager is
to clean up history right before a release if it is absolutely necessary
 1. If a change comes for a PR on GitHub:
   * Apply the same above rules
   * Don't steal authorship
   * Let the reporter polish his work
   * Amend the message at the end with "This closes/fixes #xy" and push.


Vote is open until 2017-05-25 00:00 Etc/UTC.

[ ] +1 Committers must abide to these Git guidelines while working on the
[ ] -1 I do not agree with this guideline

We need at least three binding votes from HC members.


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