Am 2019-01-03 um 22:10 schrieb Karl Wright:
Well, I don't actually see anything wrong with the idea of sending the auth
header right up front and not requiring a whole extra back-and-forth to
authorize.  NTLM needs that but basic auth doesn't in theory.  What is
wrong with what they are doing?  Do you have a spec I can present to them?

I state that no auth mech requires that because the first request with Expect: 100-continue is so small that is shall work.

Did you actually try that with NTLM? But it violates RFC 7235 anyway.

RFC 7235, chapter 2.1 says

   A user agent that wishes to authenticate itself with an origin server
   -- usually, but not necessarily, after receiving a 401 (Unauthorized)
   -- can do so by including an Authorization header field with the

So, I guess it is fine doing so, but not by default. You aren't showing
your ID to people unless you have been asked for, right?


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