Dear Developers,

we are members of the ZEST research group (Zurich Empirical Software 
Engineering Team) based at the University of Zurich and the Delft University of 
Technology. We are conducting an investigation on the diffusion of innovations 
and we focus on the adoption of new language features. Our research is focused 
on how API producers adapt their interfaces to introduce support for Java 8’s 
lambdas. During the course of our investigation, we manually inspected httpcore 
and httpclient’s source code and documentation to understand whether Java’s 
lambdas have widespread adoption. We would like to have your feedback on our 

Our study focuses primarily on Functional Interfaces and Lambda Expressions as 
these new features were introduced by the Java language and adopted the Java 
JDK API, as they reduce implementation complexity, improve readability, offer 
performance benefits and improve security contextualization.

Our analysis showed that httpclient and httpcore did not introduce 
compatibility with Java 8+ features, including Functional Interfaces and Lambda 
Expression. We would like to better understand as to why these APIs does not 
support newer Java language versions and their features.

Our investigation showed us that in most cases API producers do not migrate 
their APIs to newer Java Releases. Despite this, the API remains to be widely 
used by consumers on GitHub. Can you provide us with more information on this 
Did you and your team ever discuss the migration to new Java releases? If so, 
what did this discussion entail?
What is the reason behind not migrating to a newer Java version?
Did the introduction of new language features such as lambda expressions 
influence your decision in any way?
Does your API plan on introducing support for lambda expressions in the future?

We thank you for taking the time to answer our questions. If you would like to 
be posted about the results of this study, please let us know!

Kind Regards,
Fernando Petrulio.

Fernando Petrulio
Ph.D. Student University of Zurich UZH
Department of Informatics


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