Hi Oleg,

Thank your for starting this conversation. More below.

On Mon, Mar 11, 2024 at 10:11 AM Oleg Kalnichevski <ol...@apache.org> wrote:
> HttpClient 5.4 is going to be the most feature rich minor release
> probably since 4.3. There are plenty of small and not so small features
> and improvements in it. Overall it is going to be a great release.
> It will likely take a few more months to stablize it but somethime
> around mid Summer we should be able to release the first GA. That is
> the plan.
> However beyond 5.4 our development plans are unclear. We can settle for
> no particular plan and simply react to feature requests from our users
> or we could invest some efforts and time proactively. Both approaches
> are perfectly valid given the scarcity of project resources.
> If we choose a more proactive stance there are several potential
> features we could work on
> core:
> * Better / more efficient implementation of channel (socket) timeout
> handling in the async i/o reactor. What we currently have is quite bad
> for a large number of concurrent sessions

I like the idea of cleaning up cruft we know about (not that I am the
one that will do that specific work, so it's easy for me to say).

> * CONNECT method support and connection tunneling for HTTP/2
> * HTTP/2 for the classic transport (now with introduction of virtual
> threads (fibers) in Java 21 we could revisit the issue of the classic
> i/o model not working well for multiplexing protocols and try to solve
> the problem by utilizing two fibers per HTTP/2 data stream)

I like the idea of taking advantage of Java 21's virtual threads. At
worst, we should be VT-friendly, meaning, addressing any performance
or usage issues, without rewriting everything. Pinning seems to be a
recurring issue I hear about in different projects.

Addressing anything missing from our HTTP/2 (or 1) support, sounds
good. I'm not sure how to prioritize that over HTTP/3 and QUIC.
My first impression is that feels better to think about improving what
we have before taking on new large tasks.

> * JRE level upgrade

I would like to see the JRE platform raised to Java 17. My day job has
migrated our products from 8 to 17 last year. We're not quite ready
for 21 but I am OK if we migrate to 21 here. Is the target our 5.5.x
line? Or would a hop to 17 be a 6.0? That does not seem necessary.
Unless virtual threads makes us rethink so much code that we'd want to
break BC.

> client:
> * Multipart entity support for the async transport
> * Transparent content compression / decompression for the async
> transport
> * Query timeout / request deadline support
> * JRE level upgrade
> The real 1'000'000 USD question for us as a project however what the
> hell we are going to do about HTTP/3?
> HTTP/3 and QUIC dwarfs everytihng we have done so far in terms of
> complexity. Do we have resources to pull it off? Do we attempt to build
> our own QUIC layer or do we wait until QUIC is supported and provided
> by JRE? Is QUIC even in scope for us?

QUIC sounds like a module that is a sibling of HttpCore. I don't know
enough about it. Would we provide a common abstraction for our HTTP
clients classes? A new client-level abstraction?

> The subject of HTTP/3 support is so big that it probably deserves a
> separate discussion.
> What do you, guys, think? How shall we proceed?

We should split this thread into 1 thread per topic before it becomes
hard to track who's replying to what.


> Oleg
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