Google's subpar may be an option as a replacement for .pex - I imagine it'd
have better support in Bazel/generally. Has anyone got any thoughts on
pex/subpar? I can ponder more and look up stuff next week

On Sat, 8 Dec 2018, 12:57 Josh Fischer < wrote:

> Hey All,
> I've spent little bit of time over the past day or two working to allow
> Heron to be built with newer versions of Bazel (at this time v-0.20.0).
> I've  managed to restructure certain files within the Heron to project to
> comply with what Bazel is expecting.. I think I have most of it worked out
> with one big exception (I think) of the python pex rules that were written
> by the community and seem to be several months old. I do not know enough
> about PEX to update this custom rule and verify it works as expected.. I am
> afraid that if we don't address this issue soon will be stuck with an older
> version of Bazel moving forward..   Another thought I had: "is it required
> that we use pex"?  Is there a way we could get away from it and just use
> supported official Bazel rules if this issue is too hard to fix or
> maintain?
> Here is my output when building
> bazel build  --config=darwin heron/...
> --incompatible_remove_native_http_archive=false
> INFO: Invocation ID: 372ad837-104a-4aef-9e35-5069e5e76ded
> INFO: Build options have changed, discarding analysis cache.
> /Users/joshfischer/Source/heron/heron/statemgrs/tests/python/BUILD:22:1:
> in eggs attribute of pex_binary rule
> //heron/statemgrs/tests/python:zkstatemanager_unittest_runner:
> '@pytest_whl//file:file' does not produce any pex_binary eggs files
> (expected .egg or .whl). Since this rule was created by the macro
> 'pex_pytest', the error might have been caused by the macro implementation
> in /Users/joshfischer/Source/heron/tools/rules/pex/pex_rules.bzl:462:14
> /Users/joshfischer/Source/heron/heron/statemgrs/tests/python/BUILD:22:1:
> in eggs attribute of pex_binary rule
> //heron/statemgrs/tests/python:zkstatemanager_unittest_runner:
> '@py_whl//file:file' does not produce any pex_binary eggs files (expected
> .egg or .whl). Since this rule was created by the macro 'pex_pytest', the
> error might have been caused by the macro implementation in
> /Users/joshfischer/Source/heron/tools/rules/pex/pex_rules.bzl:462:14
> ERROR: Analysis of target
> '//heron/statemgrs/tests/python:zkstatemanager_unittest_runner' failed;
> build aborted: Analysis of target
> '//heron/statemgrs/tests/python:zkstatemanager_unittest_runner' failed;
> build aborted
> ignore the flag --incompatible_remove_native_http_archive=false  I'm using
> that ignore a warning with http_archive targets temporarily while I work
> through this python issue.  I have a fork of heron at
> *
> <>.  *The branch I am
> working off of within that repo is support-bazel-0.20.0
> <
> >.
> If anyone has any experience with python and could possibly look over this
> and help me get Heron up to speed with the most recent version of Bazel I
> would greatly appreciate it.. Just a FYI, as this is still a work in
> progress you'll notice I have some duplicate folder structures and files in
> the repo right now.. This on purpose.. Bazel has made some changes that
> were breaking..
> Thanks,
> Josh

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