
I have a question of how we should manage marking Hive source code for HCatalog releases. For HCatalog 0.1 we used the the 0.7 version of Hive. But we will get to HCatalog 0.2 before the Hive community gets to 0.8. We have added features to Hive since 0.7 that we need in HCatalog 0.2. In general, it is not reasonable to assume that Hive and HCatalog releases will line up such that HCatalog can always depend on a released version of Hive.

So how should we mark the proper version of Hive code for an HCatalog release? The only thing that comes to mind is tagging a particular revision, with the option to branch at that revision if necessary. We would only need a branch if something got checked in post tag that HCatalog needed or wanted, but there were other intervening check ins we did not want. In that case we would need to ask you to branch and port the needed change(s).

Are you okay with this approach? Are there other approaches you would suggest or prefer?


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