
We are faced with a situation where on adding new hosts to the proxyserver
configuration, we have to bounce the metastore for the new configuration to
be picked up. This is somewhat disruptive and were looking into options
similar to hdfs -refreshSuperUserGroupConfiguration command.

Looking through the hive code a bit, it appears that HiveAuthFactory calls
with the same/"unrefreshed" configuration object, effectively rendering the
call to be a no-op, IMO. Please correct me if I am wrong. It appears that
if that line is changed to
ProxyUsers.refreshSuperUesrGroupsConfiguration(), it would pick up the

I would like to know if the existing line was intentional and/or can be
changed to the above suggestion. The change would mean that we are doing a
file read quite often, so its not without its tradeoffs.

Another option would be to provide an explicit refresh option as is
available with hdfs/namenode so the file is read only when something

Appreciate your thoughts on the same!


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