On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 3:29 PM Vihang Karajgaonkar <vih...@cloudera.com>

> How about cutting out a branch-3.0.1 and releasing 3.0.1 with the pom.xml
> fixed? My concern with above approach is we haven't tested
> standalone-metastore when deployed independent of Hive.

​Actually, there is.  The tarballs for source and bin are already out
there.  If I post them on the distribution site then they'll be easier to
find.  So we can test that now.  And we can then do a 3.1 release of the
metastore whenever we want, as long as it's before a 3.1 release of Hive.


> So we don't know if
> there is something is fundamentally broken in that mode and given that we
> don't know when 3.1 is going to be released it may remain in that state for
> long time which is not good. I think may be a good approach now would be to
> test 3.0 standalone-metastore and fix any issues along with the pom.xml
> changes and do a 3.0.1 release. What do you think?
> Thanks,
> Vihang
> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 1:57 PM, Alan Gates <alanfga...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > In the thread on releasing Hive 3.0 I wrote
> > <quote>
> > We should work on producing a standalone-metastore
> > release in the same time frame so that the schema's, etc. match. I can RM
> > that unless someone else wants to.
> > </quote>
> > https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/307b281c3742fdf6aeb7fac
> > 3ee74a98830400b67711755572de15b80@%3Cdev.hive.apache.org%3E
> >
> > My thinking was to produce a separate metastore release, like we do for
> > storage-api.  However, I missed that I needed to do some work in
> branch-3.0
> > to disconnect standalone-metastore from the pom before the release (in
> the
> > same way that storage-api does).  Thus when we released Hive 3.0 we also
> > released the standalone-metastore. See
> > https://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C2%7Cg%3A%22org.apache.hive%22
>  So
> > I can't release another version of standalone-metastore 3.0.  Here is
> what
> > I propose we do:
> >
> >
> >    1. Put the src and bin tarballs for standalone-metastore in Hive's
> >    distribution site.  We have already voted on these as part of 3.0
> > release
> >    process.
> >    2. Like storage-api, we keep the standalone-metastore linked in the
> pom
> >    in the master branch.  This makes life easier for developers as they
> >    produce new patches.
> >    3. Also like storage-api, at some future point before we release Hive
> >    3.1 I will:
> >       1. Make a separate branch for standalone-metastore from branch-3
> >       2. Release a standalone-metastore 3.1 from this new branch
> >       3. Remove standalone-metastore from the list of sub-modules in
> Hive's
> >       pom.xml
> >       4. Make Hive depend on the released 3.1 version of the
> >       standalone-metastore.
> >    4. For branch-3.0, I do not propose to do the same separation as in
> >    branch-3, but we can make a different choice in the future if there
> is a
> >    reason to do so.
> >
> > Make sense?  Thoughts?
> >
> > Alan.
> >

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