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(Updated Dec. 14, 2018, 1:25 a.m.)

Review request for hive, Adam Holley, Karthik Manamcheri, Peter Vary, and 
Vihang Karajgaonkar.

Bugs: HIVE-20992

Repository: hive-git


The following new properties were added:

1. metastore.dbaccess.use.SSL (hive.metastore.dbaccess.use.SSL)
2. javax.net.ssl.trustStore
3. javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword
4. javax.net.ssl.trustStoreType

This was in an effort to guide the user towards an easier SSL
configuration experience. This is the minimum requirement to set up SSL
encryption to the HMS backend store.

This also solves the issue of the truststore password being stored in
plain text. It can now be encrypted by default and loaded through the
MetastoreConf.getPassword() method which handles secure password access

The property "hive.metastore.dbaccess.ssl.properties" is now
deprecated, but it will still be kept for backwards-compatibility purposes.

Modified comments to clearly reflect what is / is not deprecated



Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/69534/diff/4/

Testing (updated)

1. Unit tests were added to cover the functionality of configuring the Java 
system properties.
2. Performed some manual and sanity tests to ensure that SSL was still 
configurable to a remote DB. I performed these on MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, 
and Derby DB by creating generic DB hosts and setting them up with SSL. Once 
SSL was set up, I triggered the metastore to perform database calls, and 
captured packets using tcpdump. I then uploaded my packet captures to 
Wireshark, and ensured that none of the data was human-readable.


Morio Ramdenbourg

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