Dear all,

I am trying to execute queries to create materialized views in Hive to see how 
they affect the relational Calcite plan because of the query rewriting system 
in Hive.

I copied the TestColumnAccess class
I have defined materialized view mv1 as "select * from t1 join t2 on (t1.id1 = 
I have modified table t1 and t2 to be stored as ORC and also set the table 
property "transactional" to true. In the HiveConf I set the HIVE_TXN_MANAGER to 
"org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lockmgr.DbTxnManager" and set the 

However, when I then run the test I get the following error "Error in acquiring 
locks: Need to record valid WriteID list but there is no valid TxnID list". Can 
someone perhaps explain to me what is going wrong and what steps I can 
undertake to resolve the issue?

With kind regards,


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