This one will work and it doesn't need change in Details
in HIVE-3389.

ant test -Dtest.print.classpath=true
-Dtestcase=TestCliDriver -Dqfile=...q

I will update hive wiki so that people can save efforts.



On 9/11/12 4:14 PM, "Gang Tim Liu" <> wrote:

>I am running test in eclipse and it is printing
>INCLUDE list does not contain Hadoop Version 0.20. SkippingÅ 
>It's from due to hadoopversion 0.20
>On 9/11/12 4:04 PM, "Chris Drome" <> wrote:
>>You can try cleaning and rebuilding:
>>ant clean package
>>Then you can try running your tests:
>>ant test
>>How do you know that it is using hadoop 20?
>>On 9/11/12 3:57 PM, "Gang Tim Liu" <> wrote:
>>>Not working.
>>>I must miss something.
>>>What command do you use after changing it?
>>>On 9/11/12 2:31 PM, "Chris Drome" <> wrote:
>>>>You might try modifying the file as follows:
>>>>This works for me.
>>>>On 9/11/12 1:59 PM, "Gang Tim Liu" <> wrote:
>>>>>Hello all,
>>>>>I am looking for help and thank first.
>>>>>How to run a test case for hadoop 23 only? Exact command?
>>>>>I tried the following and it didn't work:
>>>>>ant ... -Dhadoop.version=0.23.1 -Dhadoop-0.23.version=0.23.1
>>>>>It still gets 0.20 as hadoop version.

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