> It shouldn't.  You potentially need to protect yourself from NULL r->filename
> (we haven't decided what to do yet with *this*is*not*a*file* requests.)  Since
> PHP generally serves -files-, this won't be a huge change for you.  For serving
> from an SQL database, or proxied requests, or internal handlers (even php-status)
> you can speed things up/protect the right resources with the map_to_storage hook.

Well, I am actually writing the code that will let people supply PHP
scripts that get called by any of the hooks which means that in this case
the request will not necessarily result in a file being served.

> I'll try to document this complete on my way into the office tommorow ;)

That would be appreciated.  Especially if it references the 1.3 API as
well and highlights the differences.


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