>> The absolute best way to stay on top of API changes is to make your
code available to the people making those changes.

Rasmus... We don't want any distractions to the core code until it's
stable. It took 5-6 months to get mod_gzip stable for 1.3.x. I doubt it
will take that long in Apache 2.x but until it's stable why release
something which will could cause a problem.

Kevin and I have asked that mod_gzip be included in Apache 1.3.x because
it's stable, been tested by thousands of users and is part of the spec.
We'd like to repeat the same performance for 2.x


-----Original Message-----
From: Rasmus Lerdorf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2001 12:08 AM
Subject: RE: why not post mod_gzip 2.0? (was: Re: [PATCH] Add mod_gz to

> >> Why won't you post mod_gzip 2.0 *today*?
> Because Apache 2.x is not STABLE, not In BETA and the API set is not 
> yet FROZEN... When it is, we will release mod_gzip as a third party 
> module, which we will support and maintain.

I have stayed far away from this thread, but this just doesn't make any
sense to me.  The absolute best way to stay on top of API changes is to
make your code available to the people making those changes.  As soon as
we had an Apache2 PHP filter it was on our public CVS server and both
Doug and Ryan have tweaked it every now and then and many people have
tested it and found problems.  I don't understand how this could
possibly be a bad thing and definitely reduces the amount of
tail-chasing we will have to do later on.


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