"William A. Rowe, Jr." wrote:
> Well, er, no.  What "Apache Configuration Directive" did
> you expect was set in the .conf file that would cause this
> to behave as you had expected.

I mentioned it in my first note:

> or simply a missing DefaultCharset directive

And as for whether always adding a charset is appropriate
or not -- that was decided, and not recently, as the answer
to the cross-site-scripting issue.  We provide a means of
*always* specifying a charset, and the www.apache.org server
was doing so -- at least for a while.  Now it is not.

As for Draconianly specifying "; charset=iso-8859-1" on
anything that doesn't have one.. so specify something else
as the default, or whomever the 'lazy programer' is should
get off the glutei and explicitly associate the appropriate
charset with all the content-types for which the default is
not appropriate.  But don't assume omitting it is a Good Thing,
*especially* for .html files, because it ain't. :-)

Too bad Daedalus' httpd.conf isn't in CVS; maybe it should be.
#ken    P-)}

Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Golux.Com/coar/
Author, developer, opinionist      http://Apache-Server.Com/

"All right everyone!  Step away from the glowing hamburger!"

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