        I've been trying to nail this one for a while now but have
not been able to recreate - do you have a testcase that will 
generate the questionable POST request? What is catching the POST 
on the server - a CGI? What platform is the server?

Please send any further info to me directly rather than through the list.

Thanks, Allan

> Large POSTs, say of 8K bytes fail.  When I've examined this with tcpdump, 
> I've seen that Internet Explorer has not sent out one POST but will 
> sometimes send out two or even three POSTs of the same URL.  Only the first 
> POST that is sent out will contain the POST data.  And even better, 
> sometimes the third POST transforms itself into a GET.  It seems to be a 
> function of the length of the POST, but that length is not repeatable.  It 
> happens much more often with long POSTs, say of 8K, but on occasion, I 
> believe I've seen it happen with as few as a 1K byte POST.

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