On 27 Feb 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>   +  *) Introduce PassPhraseDialog "|/path/to/pipe" mechanism to mod_ssl.
>   +     This pipe must be a bidirectional 'console' style relay, which
>   +     mod_perl prints all prompts to the pipe's stdin, and reads the
>   +     passphrases from the pipe's stdout.  [William Rowe]

I don't have a problem with this change in and of itself, but we need to
be careful to emphasize to our users how little good a passphrase will do
you.  It does even less good when the input is piped in from a program
that is unsuitably protected.

We have countless debates about this on the mod_ssl users list--some
people think passphrases are good, many of us think they just lead to a
false sense of security.  All I'm suggesting here is that we should
document all the pros and cons somewhere better than what we have now.


   Cliff Woolley
   Charlottesville, VA

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