Aaron Bannert wrote:

>On Wed, Feb 27, 2002 at 11:33:36PM -0800, Ryan Bloom wrote:
>>Can we change the default log file names form _log to .log?  I have
>>moved to Windows recently (work requires it), and on Windows, files must
>>have an extension in order to be able to associate the file with a
>>program.  I think it would be useful to our users to change this in the
>>default config file.
>How about just calling it "foo_log.txt" on Windows, the same way
>we have .exe on the end of our support binaries? The only reason
>I wouldn't want to change what we have now is for the sake of
>the billions of places where it's hardcoded to error_log and
>access_log in automated scripts. This may or may not be a valid

I agree: better to change it to *.log just on Windows and leave
the original *_log for the other platforms, for compatibility
with external scripts.


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