hey -- i was just cleaning out my [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailbox (so much spam :)
and found this.  it appears to be a bug i fixed in 1.3 but the fix wasn't
applied to 2.0?  is there any general plan to sweep through 1.3 fixes and
merge them into 2.0?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 16:19:22 -0500
From: Ryan Cruse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: apache bug: general/9187

Hey there,

        I just got burned on this again because I forgot to check to see if
it was actually fixed.  It's a really simple fix and an obvious bug.  I was
just curious when it would get worked into the 2.0 code?

The vhost.c diff looked like:

< if (*(dst+1) == '.')
>                 dst++;
>                 if (*dst == '.')

Now it's line 777.

The pointer skips the null terminating the string.  To test telnet to a server
like www.apache.org and give it a 1.1 request with a "host: www.apache.org."

You were the guy I talked to last time about apache a LONG time ago, and you
were really helpful.  Last I heard you were off doing other things but you're
still under the active developers of apache. :)  Lucky you!   Let me know if
you can check that in for me. :)


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