On Thu, 9 May 2002, Rich Bowen wrote:

> Call for comments
> Apache History Project
> We are a few people that are of the opinion that saving a piece of
> history is very important. That is why we have drafted this call for
> comments. We want to save as much of Apache's history as possible.
> Including, but not limited to, old sources, change descriptions,
> and feature additions (when was a feature added to Apache).
> etc ...

Well, the almost-complete lack of any response has made us wonder if our
initial note got lost somewhere. Anyways, a brief follow-up. If nobody
thinks that this is a terrible idea, we'd like to go forward with it,
and were hoping that we could get some technical support. Specifically,
we want:

A hostname (history.apache.org)
Mailing list @apache.org (history@ ?)
A cvs repository for the stuff (or should this go in the documentation
Space on a web server somewhere - I'm mighty close to my bandwidth
allocation most months.

I can do any of these on one of my own domain names, if needed (except
for the last, noted above, I'd really want to host elsewhere) but was
really hoping to get apache.org names on them.

I suspect that I could convince a local ISP to coloc a donated machine
(hint, hint) if such a thing were available.

Anyways, and thoughts at all?

Rich Bowen and Thomas Eibner

And everyone said, "If we only live,
We too will go to sea in a Sieve -
To the hills of the Chankly Bore!"
 (The Jumblies, by Edward Lear)

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