On Sun, 12 May 2002, Aaron Bannert wrote:

> > Well, this is very promising. The first thing we'd really like is a
> > mailing list. What's the SOP for getting one created? Or is there
> > something else that needs to happen before that can be done?
> >
> > I figure we should get moving while we're motivated, before real life
> > intrudes.
> Should we make this part of the Docs project, and then if it starts
> generating enough traffic it can be moved to its own list?

There are two reasons I did not want this to happen.

First, we want this to be larger than just the httpd project, and want
other projects to be included even from the start. Of course, the fact
that this entire discussion has happened on @httpd.apache.org lists does
not help that argument any.

Secondly, since I'm a history nut, as I have already illustrated, it
seeme beneficial to have this discussion happen in an environment
un-commingled with other stuff, so that it is easy to see which is

This seemed to also be Thomas' opinion when we discussed it on IRC a
little while ago. Perhaps he can chime in - I think he's on this list.

I'm not sure how much traffic this will ever generate, as it is largely
an effort of archaelogy, not a creative process, per se. (Sounds here
like I'm waffling a little. Dunno.) We need some forum in which to
discuss what needs to get done, and have it archived. Apart from that, I
suppose I'm not terribly concerned.

There, did I change my mind enough times in that note?

... and another brother out of his mind, and another brother out at New
York (not the same, though it might appear so)
        Somebody's Luggage (Charles Dickens)

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