Has anybody seen --enable-disk-cache or --enable-mem-cache work under
apache 2? In my scenario:
 --enable-maintainer-mode --with-mpm=prefork --enable-rewrite
 --enable-expires --enable-speling --disable-auth --enable-headers
 --enable-info --disable-userdir --enable-dav --enable-proxy
 --enable-proxy-connect --enable-proxy-ftp --enable-proxy-http
 --enable-file-cache --enable-cache --enable-disk-cache
 --enable-mem-cache --no-create --no-recursion
the cache context's filename is copied to r->filename
  cache_url_handler (modules/experimental/mod_cache.c:192)
  cache_read_entity_headers (modules/experimental/mod_cache.c:192)
  cache_select_url which (modules/experimental/mod_cache.c:287)
    r->filename = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, info->filename );
before the content_set filter sets it.
  cache_in_filter (modules/experimental/mod_cache.c:732)
    info->filename = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, r->filename );

Can someone who has this working set breakpoints at cache_url_handler
and cache_in_filter and let me know if they see the same behavior?
The two are registered with
    ap_hook_quick_handler(cache_url_handler, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_FIRST);
"CACHE_IN" is added to the request several places in cache_url_handler (a
bit too late) and in cache_conditional_filter, which is also added to the
request in cache_url_handler. From this it appears that the info->filename
will _always_ be copied to r->filename before it has been initialized.

If you are replicating this problem, you will probably need to created
the disk cache directory /usr/local/apache-2-clean/proxy (in this case).
Otherwise, the cache is never written and so never read and so the code
path never arises.

Since this is a cache re-use issue, you'll have to GET something twice
through the proxy in rapid enough succession that the cached copy
doesn't go stale.

For now, I just cheesed around it with 
+++ modules/experimental/mod_cache.c:287
+    if (info->filename)
        r->filename = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, info->filename );
but never having seen it work, I don't know what the intended path is.

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