
I have been working on a port to Apache 2.0 for some time now and have run
into a road block that I would like to get feedback on. I need to run my
module in the access_checker hook with the ability to read in Post data in a
non-destructive manor. In apache 1.3 this was possible by hacking the
request structure and putting the post data back for ap_get_client_block to
read again. In Apache 2.0 this does not appear possible and I've been told
to look at input filters. So I was wondering if it would be possible to
somehow read data in my input filter and then pass it along to the
access_checker phase? When are input filters executed? I'm hoping this will
spark a discussion on the new apache 2.0 architecture here, since there is
not a lot of information out there about filters yet and I'm sure others
will benifit from this discussion.

Thanks in advance for the help,

Noah Arliss

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